Zypp’s First Pitch Deck

zypps first pitch deck

Akash Gupta I benchmarked this against the 1st deck for Yulu we made. Here are my observations:

What works:

1. Idea validation from countries like China and Europe.
2. India as a country love to cycle, but infrastructure is a challenge.
3. Last mile product is the perfect positioning for this.
4. Initial GTM works like a charm.
5. You also have to focus on future assets more. once you hit PMF.

What we need:

1. A clear IND vs China slide. What’s unique in India of course.
2. At unite economics and comparative level. Bicycle, eBike, Min eScooter needs to be benchmarked for Daily ARPU, % Usage,Daily Revenue (Mn) ,Annual Market Size (Mn) (which btw in our calculation came up to be $ 300 billion (TAM)
3. At the time this needs a lot of local government support this to fly, Maybe a mention on how closely you will work with the government would help.
4, Product focus should talk mostly on “this is low cost mobility asset, low maintenance cost but high and longer ROI.
5. A good roadmap on future tech.

These are top thoughts. Baki batao call set kartey hai kabhi 🙂

BTW, My comment on your Instagram post is still getting a lot of likes and have closed few deals as well, so thanks for that 🙂