50 pitch deck teardowns that raised a total of $1 Billion

pitch deck list

Here are 50 pitch deck teardowns that raised a total of $1 Billion+

I’ve created over 3k+ pitch decks & helped our clients raise over $1.2 Billion. I’ve noticed, there is a shift in how investors are approaching pitch decks.

A few top changes:

1) Investors are now spending 50% less time on product and business model sections (particularly for pre-seed startups)

2) Investors prioritize the “purpose of a startup” slide

3) Investors are spending the most time on these 3 slides:
– Financials
– Team
– Competition

In this list I have curated, you will find startups that have raised $100k in angel to $200 Million in Series E.

These “teardowns” are something I keep floating in my company channels for our team to learn from.

These are super detailed and I’m sure you will find great insights that you can include in your next pitch deck.

I’d encourage you to check the deck that makes the most sense for your round. If you have any doubts, I’ll be happy to take those up as well – just shoot me a DM 🙂

So, how can you get your hands on the list?

Check here 


PS – Make sure to send me a connection request so that I can send the list to you.