Building a MILLION Dollar AI Startup in India

Buils a million dollar AI startup

If you give a genie to a shopkeeper I bet you this is what he will ask:

‘Kitna saaman rakhu taaki saara maal bik jaye 🙏’

Anyone who is in the exchange of goods from Unilever to your local Kirana store needs to predict how much stock to maintain.

Until now, most businesses were running on the ‘gut feeling waale Chacha ji’ who managed stock and inventory.

With all due respect to Chacha Ji, it’s now time for him to retire cause we have a AI enabled offering that can accurately predict future demand.

If you know your future demand you can easily solve all your inventory issues – what to order, when to order, how much to stock, and where to place.

The smart folks at Crest are helping with this: they are automating demand forecasting!

I had a great discussion on my podcast with the founder of Crest – Rahul.

In this podcast, we went deeper into our newly created 4K model – Kahan, Kitna, Kaise aur Kab!

Honestly, I spent an entire semester in college learning about supply chain management.

But these 40 minutes with Rahul taught me more about the function than the entirety of the subject.

I hope you guys can take something back from this, cause I surely did!

Check the podcast here: Building a MILLION Dollar AI Startup in India