Pitch Deck cheat sheet

pitch deck cheat sheet

Terms used in pitch decks explained for kids (and adults!)

The world of pitch decks is clouded with fancy terms. So, let me explain the 9 most common terms in plain English.

1) Market opportunity: Number of people who want to buy something new, and how much that thing might grow in the future

2) Value Proposition: Unique benefits a startup offers to solve customer problems or needs

3) Traction: Proof that a new business is doing well – like showing user or revenue growth

4) Competitive landscape: Looking at other companies and figuring out how your business can stand out

5) Business Model: A plan that a new company makes to make money and keep growing

6) Financial Projections: Estimates of how much money a new business will earn, spend, and whether it will be profitable.

7) Exit Strategy: plan for how a business can make money for its investors when they exit

8) Scalability: Ability of a startup’s business model to grow very large with small costs

9) Due Diligence: Due diligence is like doing homework to make sure a business idea is good before investing in it.

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